April 24 update

The studio and mastering room are coming along nicely, most of the hardware is now installed too. It really surprised me that all the gear survived this massive moving trip, from being packed in Amsterdam, then taken to a warehouse, then packed in a container, spending 2 months on a ship around the world, offloaded into another warehouse, and shipped here. those packers/movers in Holland did an outstanding job! the only things so far that didn’t survive were my Dremel and an electric toothbrush 😉 I also did my first recording in the studio here, a remix for the Punx soundcheck label that will be coming on vinyl soon.
Working on: both a VA compilation and a Teslasonic EP on Tiger Weeds, and En Direct electro EP from Leipzig, reissues of SM Nurse tapes, and 2 big projects involving reissues: one is Juniper Hill and the other one is Bande Berne Crematoire. this was amazing material but boy, dis it require some spit and polish to make it ‘pressable’. Artists, please: save decent versions of your original recordings!
Finished Masters: Neonicle on EMC, the second Dapman on DAP, Abe Schwartz on Swiss Lux Records (welcome back, guys!) a nice Electro album as a collaboration between DVS-NME and Krypton 81 on new label Pan am Tracks and a cool new album by Poperttelli on Macadam Mambo.
Released: Charles Bronson tape reissue by Menko (SM Nurse) on Top Tape, Police Des Moeurs- Commencement, Human Rebellion- Light & Shadow (LDI), Basse Fidelite- Mord Dans Le Film (cassette), Abschaum LP on Macadam Mambo, and more..